Thursday, August 27, 2009

Street-Style Thursdays

smtg by jazzy cat featuring Forever21

Happy Street-Style Thursday everyone! I apologize for the lack of posts the last couple days. I was having too much fun making sets and I just lost complete track of time! And then the addictive feeling you get when you're living in Polyvore gets overwhelming and you just have to stop cold turkey. Anyway, I'm back, and it's thursday, so it's time to celebrate some street-style! This set is a beauty from jazzy cat. As I would expect, this isn't an exact copy, but an inspired look from our dear friend, The Sartorialist. The inspiration look is marvelously simple, but calculated. The bag is the right size and the shoes match the dress just so. In the polyvore translation, the dress and shoes are a different color, but match eachother as well as the one in the picture. Also, because this dress has a slightly fuller skirt than the one in the picture, jazzy decided on a slightly smaller bag to balance the look. She also added a little necklace, nothing too much, but adds just enough interest to the look. It's fresh, it's summery, and it's to die for!