Friday, August 28, 2009
I've been seeing this necklace EVERYWHERE. As I mentioned in an earlier post, this is what you find when you look up "necklaces", fourth spot on the top line, at least for the last few days. And for good reason, it's a BEAUTIFUL thing. Not just beautiful, but kinda fierce. It's got loads of texture, but not too much...I mean, you see some of these multi-chain necklaces and they either look like a scarf or like it weighs 6 tons. And like Chanel said "if it's not comfortable, it's not luxury". So let's see what some of the artists and stylists have done with this thing.
First, the most obvious use...ROCK! *Devil fingers and sticking tongue out* As you may or may not have noticed, this set would be nothing without that necklace. Mind you, it's a perfectly good outfit, but imagine it without the necklace. It loses it's whole attitude. It goes from Rock star to rock wannabe. Not cool. She was wise to utilize the item.
You could also use it this way, to add a little rockstar to a sweeter, more feminine look.
And finally, if you have a ridiculously colorful outfit, this necklace does an excellent job of toning it down some without losing the interest of the look.
What do you think? How would YOU use the necklace?
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Music A to Z - Elton John by kirakay featuring GAP accessories
You ladies and gentlemen AREN'T making it easy on me, are you? I've seen so many fabulous sets today, I was nearly at a loss to pick the set of the day today. I chose this set by kirakay at long last because I think she makes fantastic use of familiar and generic items to create something striking and unique. I mean, take that necklace, for instance. Who in Polyvore hasn't at least SEEN that necklace? It's the fourth most popular necklace right now and for good reason. I know I've used it at least twice in the last couple of days. Also, she used a basic black boot, a basic black belt, and basic aviators. Yeah, they're cool, and can amp up any boring old outfit. But then she throws them on with that kelly green dress. *throws hands up* Well!
That's just ... I mean, who thinks of that? Brilliant! The scarf is perfect as well, the subtle print keeps things visually interesting, and frankly, without that scarf, it almost doesn't work. You need that hint of grey to tie together the black and green. Furthermore, the incorporation of Elton John just works. it just does, everything your mind tells you about Elton John is applied to the set, so what you're thinking is "funky, fun, gay, happy, groovy, music, YEAH!!!"
Labels: Polyvore, set-of-the-day

smtg by jazzy cat featuring Forever21
Happy Street-Style Thursday everyone! I apologize for the lack of posts the last couple days. I was having too much fun making sets and I just lost complete track of time! And then the addictive feeling you get when you're living in Polyvore gets overwhelming and you just have to stop cold turkey. Anyway, I'm back, and it's thursday, so it's time to celebrate some street-style! This set is a beauty from jazzy cat. As I would expect, this isn't an exact copy, but an inspired look from our dear friend, The Sartorialist. The inspiration look is marvelously simple, but calculated. The bag is the right size and the shoes match the dress just so. In the polyvore translation, the dress and shoes are a different color, but match eachother as well as the one in the picture. Also, because this dress has a slightly fuller skirt than the one in the picture, jazzy decided on a slightly smaller bag to balance the look. She also added a little necklace, nothing too much, but adds just enough interest to the look. It's fresh, it's summery, and it's to die for!
Labels: Polyvore, Street Style Thursdays
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

ANYWAY, I bring this up because sequins are back in a big way, and it's not all bad. In fact, I think society is ready to respond to some supreme fabulousity. Sharp, edgy, glamourous, glitzy, vogue...these power concepts are starting to edge out soft, gentle, natural, green...our fashion-loving hearts want the former and there's nothing for it but to go with the flow. So with no further ado, you're 2 for Tuesday.
This is a fairly recent set that perfectly executes the modern sequin. It allows the sequins to make the statement and keeps the accents interesting, but secondary. It's not a subtle look by any means, but it COULD have gone overboard and it didn't. This is admirably restrained and Giselle is the PERFECT model for the look.
If that's too much for you, why not try accenting your look with some subtle sequin action? Here, we see Sequins on a tiny camisole under a jacket, just a hint of shimmer and texture, but nothing over done. You can accomplish this with anything, shoes, bag, skirts etc...Personally I could go either way depending on the occasion.
Labels: Polyvore, two for tuesday
Monday, August 24, 2009

i dream that you are still here by cloho deux featuring Calypso
There were so many wonderful sets today! I chose this one as set-of-the-day because the designer is new to me and I LOVE her. Granted, I've been away from Polyvore as a regular for MONTHS, but I like to think I kept in the loop fairly well. Not well ENOUGH, as this genius slipped under my radar for so long.
Anyway, in regards to the set; It's dreamy, isn't it? There are three main colors here, a soft pink, sky blue and cream. All of those colors are tinged with hints of metallics and browns...keeping it from appearing childish or too clean. Thusly, it has a foggy feel to it, like nearly focused but not quite. I know when I dream, that's just how I it's right there in front of me and I'm seeing it, but I'm incapable of seeing anything BUT that. I don't know, maybe I'm not making any sense. The whole set reminds me of my favorite childhood book of fairy tales and it's all to do with just the right choices in color, texture and general ambience. Of course, I should expect nothing less from a fellow Graphic Designer. Kudos to you, Cloho Deux!
Labels: Polyvore, set-of-the-day
Happy Mid-century Monday, a day when we look back at the glorious era of ultra-flattering, super-feminine style. Since it's still summer, I thought I'd feature a summery set, so this is Mid-century monday: Swimsuit Edition!

This gorgeous set embodies the feel of the 50's without entering costume territory. This has a fabulous Grace Kelly thing going on. The subtle shade of pink throughout, the simple bows strategically placed to add perfect balance and the general aura of roses and gentle summer breezes makes this set stand out.
Labels: mid-century mondays, Polyvore
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Nostalgia: noun 1. a wistful desire to return in thought or in fact to a former time in one's life, to one's home or homeland, or to one's family and friends; a sentimental yearning for the happiness of a former place or time: a nostalgia for his college days.
2. something that elicits or displays nostalgia.

Lisa Frank Inspired Look by DianaFlo* featuring Marc Jacobs bags
This is nostalgia for my generation. Lisa Frank. Even as a child, I knew this wasn't great design. I knew unicorns and fairies were twee even for a child, but I didn't care. It was bright and shiny and puffy and I loved Lisa Frank stuff. I had the folders, I had a Lisa Frank Trapper Keeper, I had those little puffy stickers that were impossible to remove once stuck which made them more irritating than pretty. The phase came and went pretty fast, but there was a time when I just couldn't get enough of it. This set perfectly captures that Lisa Frank mentality. It's not sophisticated or mature, it's just freakin' awesome. Those shoes! I am in love with those shoes! And the grown ups in the office won't let me wear them. The day-glo delight of the early 90's will forever be a reminder of better times, when Clinton was in office and I could still wear shiny leggings with neon stars all over it and look perfectly appropriate. those were the days.
Labels: Freakin' Awesome Fridays, Polyvore

folds in your hands by chloe por el mar featuring All Saints
Welcome to Street Style Thursdays at Imprisoned Whimsy Headquarters! The above entry from chloe por el mar used a real world fashionista as her inspiration for this set. For those new to this blog, Street Style Thursdays is all about celebrating fashion in a real world way; outfits that one could actually step out of the house wearing and looking fabulous. I chose this set because I like that the outfit is not a direct translation, it's merely tapping into the feel of the clothes and how you would feel wearing them. In some ways I prefer the re-imagining of this outfit because there is a bit more color and interest than the expected black and white. And I LOVE that green parka. But you sort of need the real world reference there to convince me that it could be pulled off, and that's precisely why I love inspiration pieces. They justify your crazy vision, don't they? Well done, chloe por el mar!
Labels: Polyvore, Street Style Thursdays, The Sartorialist
The first time I saw this, I thought "Majorly cool!" It was an impulsive response, I'm sure you've had them too and know what I'm talking about. For me, this set is all about the marriage of the items.There's not a lot here. A dress, shoes, earrings, a clutch, a glass of sangria and a Picasso. 6 pieces. But if you added a single thing, the whole look would feel a little heavier than it does right now. This is light and effortless, and yet so striking and stand-outish for the degree of difficulty in putting it together. A GREAT use of the inspiration piece. Also, Angel4e's sets come with a FREE short story! Definitely check her out!
Labels: Polyvore, set-of-the-day
Every now and then an item is uploaded to Polyvore that is used by JUST EVERYONE. I'm fascinated by the attraction one item can have. The item in question is this.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Good morning, good morning, happy hump day! I'm actually quite droopy and this post is coming to you pre-coffee. But I will press on because I do actually have work to do today. Today's "Vintage Wednesday" set comes to us from Portia!
Portia and I have been doing this Polyvore thing for a long time, and I've seen her sets improve tremendously, not that they weren't ALWAYS good. This particular set swept me away into wistful longing for a trip to post-war Paris, the late 40s and early 50s. This is the kind of vintage styling that I like, old-school glamour with just a hint of modernism. The outfit in this set is totally 2009, let's be honest, but it definitely hearkens back to a bygone era, when women were women and men were men. It is characteristically soft and pretty, gentle and sophisticated with a touch of spice to give flavor. Well done, Portia, I am ever so impressed!
Labels: Polyvore, vintage wednesdays
So while traveling through the Polyvoresphere, I came across something I had not seen before, at least not to such a marvelous extent. This Polyvorian, Dramatyze, creates sets on shirts, mainly. That is to say, she custom designs shirts using polyvore, and the most magnificent designs they are! They're all surrealist and unique, nothing too simple, or too trendy. The designs are twisted and complicated and very, very unusual. You won't be able to walk into any store and buy these designs, which makes them utterly invaluable. I have selected a sampling for you below, but if you haven't yet, please visit her page and look at all her sets. They're just awesome!
Labels: Polyvore
For those of you who don't know, "The Boyfriend Blazer" got its term because it looks like you grabbed it out of your boyfriend's closet, just like the boyfriend jeans...same idea. Many a woman knows the charm of wearing your boyfriend or husband's smells like him, it's a constant reminder of him, and it's like he's holding you all day.
The big slouchy jacket with shoulder pads was locked in a vault marked "1988" until, what 2007, 2008? Sometime around there. Women in the 80's workforce literally dressed like linebackers in an effort to appear more masculine, less weak and driven to achievment in the dog eat dog workforce world. Since then, style has chilled a bit, and femininity in the workplace can actually have it's advantages. Thusly, you wouldn't expect the boyfriend blazer to come back into vogue. it's a big, boxy, overwhelming shape and some would probably still consider it unattractive. But not if you wear it right.

Downtown LA 2 by -miss T- featuring LAROK
Like, not in the office. For me, part of the appeal of the boyfriend jacket is it's comfortable. This outfit works because it's taking an old style, double-breasted gray blazer just about out of the trash and reinventing it for clubbing. This look is all about rebellion, thumbing one's nose at the beaurocracy that says "No, that's not how you wear a double breasted gray blazer!" And this look says to the naysayers, "it's not what you wear, it's how you wear it". Also, this outfit is extraordinary because it's so well controlled, and looks crazy cool. The gentle firm editing to a single pop of hot pink, and the attention to texture and lines is superb.

August, 2009 by Da Vera featuring Dorothy Perkins
This look is ALSO about rebellion. Taking the tuff girl jacket and pairing it with the softest, most feminine of prints, a floral. The mix of brown and silver is inspired, and RARELY excecuted with this degree of success.
You'll also note that both boyfriend blazers have 3/4 length sleeves. This is SO important to pulling the jacket off. If it doesn't fit just so, the jacket starts to look dumpy or dowdy. Pushing the sleeves up and pulling the jacket in at the waist slightly enhances the feminine shape underneath and reveals a youthful cool. By pushing the sleeves up, you're wearing the jacket, it's not wearing you. Just thought I'd throw in that hint.
Labels: two for tuesday
Well, everyone, I'm back. School has finished, I am not yet working full time again, and my company has, at least temporarily, lifted the ban on Polyvore in the workplace. Thusly, I thought I'd celebrate by featuring my favorite set of the day.

Subliminal by eyesthatlie featuring RVCA
Labels: set-of-the-day